Confectionery for Presents

Traditional sweets to celebrate the change of seasons, special events and turning points in our lives.

confectionery for happy occasions confectionery for happy occasions

Confectionery is closely related to important turning points in the people's lived in Kanazawa. They are important for sad or happy occasions. Although many traditions come to an end, the tradition of offering sweets on special occasions is still alive in Kanazawa. Here are some examples of sweets usually served on special occasions:
"Kotobuki Senbei" and "Korokoro Mochi" – rice crackers and rice cakes. About one month before the big day, the parents of the bride offer their daughter these rice crackers and rice cakes to the groom's family. The meaning behind the delivery of these sweets is a form of prayer for a fast and smooth delivery.
"Kagami Mochi" – Mirrored Sweets. Sweets of red rice on top of white rice served on New Year's Day to mirror the old year with the New Year.
Although many of these customs are fading, some are still kept today.